In his April 2009 General Conference address Elder Quentin L. Cook states the objective of his talk is two fold: first, to address some stumbling blocks to faith; and second to describe how our Father’s plan is big enough for all His children.
The first stumbling block Elder Cook mentions is “when members don’t live the teachings [of the gospel], it can be a stumbling block to those who do not belong to the church.” However members are “viewed favorably when we live the teachings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.” “Because of the uplifting doctrine of the restoration, members [and non-members] can rejoice in the gospel and find joy and satisfaction in the church.”
Another stumbling block to faith mentioned by Elder Cook is “descriptions of the Church and its doctrine have often been untrue, unfair, and harsh.” If members will listen to others, answer questions honestly and fairly and encourage non-members to seek their own answers about the church, the Book of Mormon, the Prophet Joseph Smith and anything else that concerns them, through study and prayer those stumbling blocks can be overcome.
Elder Cook states that “my principal concern is for the honorable people on the earth who are open to religious faith but have been discouraged or confused by incorrect doctrine.”
“Notwithstanding the significance of our doctrinal differences with other faiths, our attitude toward other churches has been to refrain from criticism. They do much good. They bless mankind. Many help their members learn of the Savior and His teachings.” Our leaders have consistently counseled us “to live with respect and appreciation for those not of our faith. There is so great a need for civility and mutual respect among those of differing beliefs and philosophies.”
“It is equally important that we be loving and kind to members of our own faith, regardless of their level of commitment or activity. The Savior has made it clear that we are not to judge each other. This is especially true of members of our own families. Our obligation is to love and teach and never give up. The Lord has made salvation “free for all men” but has “commanded his people that they should persuade all men to repentance.”
“A loving Father has provided a comprehensive and compassionate plan for His children “that save the living, redeems the dead, rescues the damned, and glorifies all who repent.” Even though our journey may be fraught with tribulation, the destination is truly glorious.”