Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August's Relief Society Activity

Thank you to all those who helped plan, who donated to, and who came to our Harvest activity. We were able to learn some new techniques on home-made yogurt, dehyrdating, canning, flash-freezing, and vacuum food storage methods. It was a fun night and we were able to enjoy some yummy samples!

Recipe - Fruit Leather

Here are a few recipes from our Dehyrdating class:

Basic Fruit Leather:
5 cups fruit - either applesauce or pears
1 cup other fruit - such as strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, etc.
1 tsp Lemon Juice
Blend all together - pour on to dehyrdating trays aprox. 1/4 thick. Dry as directed by your Dehyradtor's instructions.

Peach/Pear Fruit Leather:
2 cups peaches
2 cups pears
1 tsp lemon juice
Blend all together - pour on to dehyrdating trays aprox. 1/4 thick. Dry as directed by your Dehyradtor's instructions.

Banana/Pineapple Fruit Leather:
2 cups banana
1 cup pineapple
1 TBS Orange Zest
1 tsp Lemon juice
Blend all together - pour on to dehyrdating trays aprox. 1/4 thick. Dry as directed by your Dehyradtor's instructions.

6 cups apricot
1 TBS Orange Zest
3 TBS Honey
1 tsp Lemon Juice
Blend all together - pour on to dehyrdating trays aprox. 1/4 thick. Dry as directed by your Dehyradtor's instructions.

52 Weeks to Preparedness - Week 15

Week 15 - **POPCORN** Go for the BIG 12-pound bag!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fast Sunday - Special Fast

Sisters - We have a special fast coming up in September. We would like all members of the Ward to dedicate their Fast on Sunday September 5th to Sister Sorenson and her family. Your prayers and faith on her behalf will be much appreciated and you will feel the spirit of Sisterhood within our ward.

Thank you on behalf of The Relief Society Presidency.

Canning Recipe - Pickles

If you attended our most recent Relief Society activity - you were treated to all kinds of canned/frozen/dried and homemade goodies. Our very own Sister Schliep sent a beautiful display of her canning talents. One of the biggest hits was her Jalapeno Pickles. Sister Paul has posted the recipe for these pickles on her blog - and I thought I would share it with all of you! Click here to see the recipe! And good luck canning!

52 Weeks to Preparedness - Week 14

Week 14 - Canned soups, not only good to eat - but wonderful for casseroles or to dress up rice. Add some boxes of crackers too (you know, to dunk in your soup!)

Monday, August 16, 2010

52 Weeks to Preparedness - Week 13

This week is to add vinegar to your food storage. Vinegar is a great cleaner around the house and yard. It is also yummy in cooking - add a few flavored vinegars for salads!

Monday, August 9, 2010

52 Weeks to Preparedness - Week 12

Week 12 -
It seasons, it preserves, in a pinch it can be used as toothpaste...... It's SALT! This week add some iodized salt to your food storage!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fix it up, Wear it Out, Make it do, or Do without!

Last week we had a wonderful Relief Society lesson on Provident Living and Welfare Principles given by President Williams and Sister Lewis. The Welfare Principles are built upon each other and must all be incorporated into our lives in order to prepare us for things to come.  These "bricks"  show the six Welfare principles, and how they all are important for our families well-being.
Sister Lewis and President Williams also gave us one of President Hinckley's favorite sayings:
"Fix it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or Do without". This reminds us that there are things we can do to help our families live providently and provide for ourselves, so that we can help others. I hope you all enjoyed this lesson as much as I did, and learned something that will help you in your family.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Come fill your cup with Harvest!

August's Relief Society activity will fill your food storage with all those items you worked so hard to grow this summer! We will be learning how to can, dry, freeze and preserve all those yummy fruits and vegetables! Please plan to attend - August 19th - 7:00pm at the home of Julie Garner (2102 W 8350 S).

52 Weeks to Preparedness - Week 11

Week 11 has a sweet tooth! Sweeteners; brown sugar; powdered sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, etc.